
What do you worry about from day to day?

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What do you worry about from day to day?




  1. MONEY!!

  2. Right now I worry about finding a cheaper apartment so I can save money for dental work I have to have done this year.  I worry about my best friend because she is having problems with her "bf" and she is drinking too much, too often.  I worry that I will do something really stupid and cause my boyfriend to break up with me.

  3. a homecoming date for me and my friends! :(  

  4. whether i'll get a phone call at school saying my mom has been in a car accident. i really should stop worrying about that

  5. money and saggy b***s

  6. everything  

  7. About getting up early in the morning, about my money, about how we are going to work things about, about cleaning the cat box, and simply being near my parents.  I worry more when it is cold outside.  

  8. DYING!

  9. I worry that something devastating will happen to someone in my family, and I worry about that every day.  I've lost my mother and a brother this year and I couldn't bear to lose anyone else.

  10. homework

  11. everything


  12. Money!!!!!!!!!!

  13. my future

  14. Whether my daughter is safe at school.

  15. How many cars i'm going to get hit by.

  16. About the next day, when today isn't even over yet.

  17. TEACHERS!!!!! AND PENCILS!!!!!



  18. The kids,every day when they're out playing and they come in late,your imagination tends to take over and it freaks you out,most parents will tell you the same thing.

  19. 'How am I going to pay for the things my daughter needs'

    'Is my bf going to cheat on me?'

    'Is my grampa going to die from his cancer?'

    'Is my ex going to be an a**hole in the divorce?'

  20. i worry about getting in trouble,getting yelled at  

  21. losing my family because of death


  22. That there will be no more children.

  23. Nothing.

    I used to worry constantly and found that I had made myself completely neurotic. A very wise friend noticed this, and pointed out that worry was pointless, a waste of good energy. It solves nothing.

    He told me that if something was troubling me, and it was a problem that had a solution, then I should take the necessary steps to assure a positive outcome and therefore --why worry?

    If whatever problem was something entirely beyond my control, then what would worry do? How would it help? Better to focus on the positive, enough time had been spent on the negative already.

    He was right, and I follow his advice to this day. It was the best advice I've ever received, by the way.

  24. That I am goint to have to work til I drop.

  25. Excessive debt

  26. is my belly button piercing going to be rejected

  27. Whether I'll ever find a competent, affordable publisher for my poetry books!

  28. nothing really, just that my husband gets home safely at night, because he just got a better job that requires him to stay alot later in the evening, and it takes him about an hour to get home at night, so i just want to know that he's safe at night when driving home, i don't worry about it though!

  29. that my life is getting shorter and shorter =/

  30. School.




    Ex boyfriends.


  31. school.

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