
What do youhave to do to be a spy for the CIA?

by Guest62299  |  earlier

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And how old do you have to be?




  1. Actually, the CIA is falling behind in their recruitment and need some people. To actually get into the CIA, you have to be intelligent, and quick to think on you feet.

    If you just go the CIA website there are requirements and information for you if you have any interest to join.

    But the usual thing they say is that the more things you know to do, the better chances you get to get in. Meaning, people skills, analyst skills, writing skills (to fill in reports clearly and straight forward), and languages are a plus. The more languages you know fluently, the better. Some languages they are looking for are Mandarin and Farsi (I wonder why, haha) though there are a larger spectrum of languages they want and need (probably every single one on Earth).

    Anyways, most people think that everyone in the CIA are all cloaks and daggers, it's the very opposite. Though most actions and information are classified, people in the CIA now are regular people with a large spectrum in their education to work in the intelligence career for the United States.

    Good are smart to start early.

  2. To strap yourself with a lie detector to see if you can cheat it out.

  3. You need to do run 30 minutes and do 100 push ups and 100 abdominals every day.

  4. to be a spy for the cia would proably take a while. u probably have to start out as a cop and work ur way up. also i would think they wouldnt let young ppl like 18 year olds work for them and u probably need to go thru training and have alot of experience with things like that...

  5. be smart enough to stay away from Internet forums as a participant for sure

  6. go to and find oiut they are recruiting.

    they require you be legal age, 18 in the  usa, a us citizen, preferably born here, and being good in languages is helpful. former military is even better, and a college degree bs or ba. see the website and you can contact them.

  7. Actually, even though the application process takes a long time anyone can apply. The longest part is most likely the background check which can take months. They require a GPA of 3.2 or above. And it honestly does not matter about what type of degree you have because they take people from all different fields. Some have a Chemistry degree while others have a degree in Finance.

  8. The best route....

    Join the military and serve well in a rifle company of some sort.  Leave the military and use the GI Bill to complete a Bachelors degree in legal studies, political science or some similar regimen. Then apply to the State Department and work as a foreign attache for four years...if you have the goobers the CIA will pick you up.

  9. Go to          it will help you, there are other links on the side that will help you.  Good Luck!

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