
What do younger women find attractive in guys in thier 40's?

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What do younger women find attractive in guys in thier 40's?




  1. nothing

    i am very cute so i can find guys my own age with money.

    i would rather be a starter wife to a hot young rich man. HAH

  2. nothing whatsoever

  3. personally i think it the is security and the thought of being with a more experienced and mature man.

  4. The large bulge in their pants. (wallets).

  5. thank you for asking! they are mature, s**y in demeanor, focused, know what they want (more or less) and down to earth. they also play less games, if any. they can actually have a conversation and say more than "um, uh, yah dude."

    for me, it is not about money or the "bulge" as another answerer so tackily put it. I am in my 30's and i find a man like this description very appealing.

    when i was 19, an older man approached me and asked "would you rather be a young mans slave or an older mans sweetheart?"  I've always remembered that, for some reason.

  6. my dad's in his forties.... Im not attracted to them like I want to have a relation ship (26 years older than I am is just TOO MUCH.. plus I think its illegal)

    But my dads nice, and attractive, and a great guy.  He should start dating again....

  7. Well im 16, but for older guys, i think because im young and a little niave i appreciate an older guy that can explain everything to me, and make me feel secure. I wouldnt go out with a 40 year old or anything... but i think intellect would be important... please help me? (its long)


  9. I am almost 24. My boyfriend is almost 39. I think that counts for this question, no?

    Although I cannot speak for ALL girls that go for older men, what I love about my man is his experience with women and life. He's an Engineer. I'm an Engineer. So he's got a wealth of knowledge that he passes on to me as well. He is funny, we get along great, and supports me in my day-to-day growth as a person.

    I suppose that a lot of girls go for older guys because of the money, but note that I mentioned I'm an Engineer too. It's not about money for us. Although I make less than he does now, he's also had 12 more years experience than me in the industry.

    Basically, it's not about age. It's more of the give and take of a relationship that will make it work. Whether it's giving looks for money, or simply quality affection, I guess it's up to the actual couples.

  10. Well, I doubt I'd ever feel that way, but I think I understand why some women do. Women whose fathers abandoned them or who have not had positive relationships with men their own age see older men as father figures, not just as lovers. They love them romantically, but they also greatly admire and respect them in a way they weren't able to do with their own fathers. I've heard stories like that from a lot of people, and I know this answer is probably just one out of the several reasons that women do this.

  11. i dont know i just like johnny depp lol

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