
What do your call your kid's body parts?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are having a difficult time agreeing.

When our daughter was a baby, it was called a "pee-pee". Of course, now that she's older (8), we think we need to call it something more "correct". It's come up now because she has two baby sisters.

The problem is, the "thing" we are referring to doesn't have one name. It's various parts (labia, v****a, etc), make up a whole.

What do we call the "whole"!?

My husband is currently calling it the "thingie" and it's starting to bug me.




  1. her privates

  2. My daughter has begun calling it her China........... she has been very confused during the Olympics.

  3. In our house it was always a 'tuppence', which now never fails to make me giggle whenever anyone says it.

    It's a British thing.

  4. With all of my children, 1 girl (who is also 8) and 3 boys, I just call it their "privates". There is no reason to get technical when she is this little.

  5. I would call it privates

  6. From  the get go, we have called them penises and vaginas.  Call the whole thing a "v****a".  Labias, clitoris, and all that jazz make up a v****a.  I wouldn't go into detail on all the little parts unless there was a medical reason or some reason they needed to be discussed.

  7. My husband and I were watching an episode of ER one night and this lady referred to it as her "good girl" finding this amusing it has just kind of stuck as the name around our house.  For boys it has become "business"

    I think privates is always a safe word.

  8. We use the word 'v***a' & have since she was a baby.  

  9. the outer part is called the v***a and that is what we have always told our daughter (she is 4 now)

    the inner part is the v****a so that would not be correct.

    "In common speech, the term v****a is often used to refer to the v***a or female genitals generally, although, strictly speaking, the v****a is a specific internal structure, whereas the v***a is the exterior genitalia."

  10. Proper biological names. Foot, leg, p***s, testicles, elbow, b*****s, v****a, hip, v***a, pudenda...  

  11. By their proper names.  

  12. My 11 year old son likes to call it his "Privates" as well as my 11 y/o daughter. My 2 year old daughter still refers to "PeePee"

  13. We just call them our "privates". It's easy, and doesn't say too much, but it's not too young.

  14. My daughter is 5 and we just call that area her v****a.  She knows that boys have a p***s instead of a v****a.

  15. you can just explain to her that it is called a v****a. but if you don't feel comfortable with her calling it that then tell her you would prefer her to call it a pee-pee or something. That is what I have said to my daughter because a kid at school was calling it the bad spot. so I explained to my daughter that it was not a bad spot and this is what it is called but this is what i preferred her  to call it. Hope this helps..

  16. I have just boys and they call theirs a winky but they know it is called a p***s they just like winky better right now.  My grandma always called ours a flowerpot and then as we got older she said PeeBox but I don't remember her ever calling it a v****a or anything like that.  

  17. my mom always called it a "pinky"

    not exactly sure why

  18. My daughter is 9 and my son is 1.....I refer to their privates as just that........their privates.

  19. if you dont call body parts by the clinical correct names..youre telling her something is shameful about her body shameful we cant even say the words...Thats not right. Kids who are molested are kids who arent able to say what happened, they are too ashamed to even say the words.  Dont do that to your kid

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