
What do your dreams mean?

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Is there a website were you can find out what your dream means?

For example is seeing a passed family member in a dream means that they are thinking of you.





  2. I don't believe they mean anything. Seeing a passed family member means you have been thinking of them. Just my belief.Many people believe differently.

  3. I wouldn't put much stock in Dream Dictionaries whether they are in a book or a website.  Dream interpretation is something that anyone can do for themselves and you are the best source you have for interpretting your dreams.  Dreaming about a lost loved one can mean many things.  Try describing the person to yourself, their main qualities and what they represent.  You want to ascertain if you are dreaming of them specifically or if they are a symbol of another person or situation in your life.  Depending on your belief system dreaming of them specifically is considered a way of contacting those that have crossed over or it may be a way for you to deal with the loss.  If you are dreaming of them as a symbol then you need to figure out who or what they are representing.  Write down the dream in as much detail as possible and then ask yourself questions about it as though you were interviewing a friend.  Good luck!

  4. Seeing passed family members could mean you are thinking of them, or they are trying to give you comfort.  When my grama passed away around easter I was terribly heartbroken and about a week after her funeral I had a dream where she was at her house and we talked and she was laughing. She said that everything was alright. So I think that could be comfort.  Also, some dreams can be memories of past lives. Or your subconcious trying to make sense of this life. Good luck figuring out what your dreams are about.

  5. A dead person whom you knew (or knew of) in real life can represent that person, or your memory of that person.

    Seeing such a person in a dream can mean they are particularly on your mind right this moment, perhaps because you've been thinking about them or would like to interact with them, because a significant date (birthday, anniversary, etc.) is near, because you're curious about how they are or what they might think about something in your life right now, etc.

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  6. usually i have weird dreams of ppl if i have thought about them during the day. its like ur mind is goin thru what happened in the day. like, if u think about a car, even if u only think about it for a minute, u might end up havin a dream about it.

  7. A dream can mean many things, depending on the nature of that dream and its linkage to your daylight experiences.

    But I believe the most significant are the haunting-type dreams where during the dream, feelings of intensity arise and there is a tugging quality about the dream that will not leave you alone.

    Then of course, different cultures link each collective image/symbol to different interpretations. Example, the Chinese believe that dreams of a wedding foretells a wedding/(some pleasant event) to come while the Indians believe that dreams of a wedding foretells a death in the family and dreams of a funeral/death foretells something auspicious about to happen (at least that was what I was told by an old Indian lady).

    Anyway, dreams bearing a message has been the subject/interest of cultures all over throughout our history. It is not impossible that our deceased loved ones (or just people we happen to know) might be trying to contact us through our dreams. After all, our dreams look like the cusp between the quiesent consciousness of the living and the remnants of that consciousness of the no longer living.

    But no worries, to find out more about dreams, just key in 'meaning of dreams' in google search and plenty of site addresses will appear.

  8. it means you miss them and are thinking of them

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