
What do your favourite Extra-Terrestrials look like? Where are they from? What language(s) do they use?

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What do your favourite Extra-Terrestrials look like? Where are they from? What language(s) do they use?




  1. My favorite ETs look like cows. They are from the  Moooooooon and they speak French. Why French? I'm not sure.

  2. My favorites look like beautiful women.  I have seen several books that claim they are from Venus. Most of the ones I know speak English but all the words have different meanings.

  3. Hitlery Clinton.

    Nobody knows where they come from, though it is widely believed that they are found living under rocks in cesspools.

    The three main languages are Clintonese, Double Speak, and Bullsh It.

  4. Pick me!! pick me!!!  they speak whatever language is necessary at the time. I remember meeting this one pictured here around the age of 3 years old. Some were white, others gray or grayish blue and some black. Most of them were small like young children.

  5. I'm thinking they will look like us and communicate like they won't scare us. Hope they're just "average" looking. (If you're speaking of "movie" extra terrestrials...I liked Michael Rennie in "The Day the Earth Stood Still". I don't know what his name was in the movie. I think  his robot's name was Gort.

    P,S....His name was "Klaatu".

    YouTube - Day the Earth Stood Still Trailer

    from Wikipedia...The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 ...

    [Click for more information] Watch video - 2 min 20 sec - Rated 5.0 out of 5.0

    EDIT...Dave S...Look!! It DIDN'T come out in blue this time! Why not?

    EDIT..."Klaatu barada nikto.(These are the famous words you have to remember to say to Gort if he ever comes back.)

  6. Brad Pitt, I swear he has to be an ET because OMG nobody could be that hot.

  7. I will go with PSI on this one, vesuvians from venus are supposed to be all women. So since women are from Venus I will take english as the language with a southern accent.

    EDIT: love the answer Longhorn

  8. Predator was pretty cool.  I think it was from Jamaica.  It spoke no known language, just lots of growling.

  9. ET is cute!

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