
What do your kids do outside?

by Guest60190  |  earlier

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I have a six and a 3 yr old, when we're outside they will just sit there and complain that there's nothing to do.

I have the pool, the outside kitchen, swingset, water/sandtable (that they refuse to play with bc the water gets sand in it and the sand get's too dirty), the skipping ropes and balls and a basketball net.

I feel I'm not providing adequately enough for them. Inside, they'll play non stop but the minute they're outside they just sit there and complain

I also take them to the park once/twice/wk and go for a walk daily and get out and do the library etc but I'm talking about why the heck are my kids bored outside?? What do yours do?

oh and they have great bikes that is a real struggle for them to ride when I suggest it.

Are they just spoiled or are they truly not provided for properly?





  2. Perhaps, they would like to play with other children.  Try having them play with other children in the neighborhood.  There ages are not that much of a difference, but considering what the ages are, perhaps the six year old would like to play with someone more advanced, when they are outside.  Hope this helps!!

  3. glad to know mine isn't the only one. my stepdaughter will be 8 in September and is always bored outside. she will only play outside when her friend in  the neighborhood plays with her, and then they usually just sit in the yard and play barbies! we live across from a small park, she has a bike and a scooter and balls, jump ropes....

  4. I used to wonder this too about my son.  Turned out he would just rather be watching TV or playing a video game.  So he would act all woe-is-me.  When I said to him - that is fine you can come in, but we're on our "No TV" time until (whatever time).  You can read, pick up your room, or (etc.)  Suddenly there is plenty to do outside.  

    Some kids get genuinely anxious when they can't see or be in the same room with their mom.  Could this problem exist at your house?  Not a whole lot you can do in that situation, other than be outside every time they are outside, but the good news is that's a temporary problem, and they outgrow it.  In the interim, could the sandtable or kitchen set be moved closer to the back door?  It may alleviate some of the anxiety.

  5. Clearly your kids have lots to do, but they may need a little role-modeling for what to do with it.  Since you say they play well indoors, you could point out to them that they can play lots of the same games indoors and out (even let them bring some indoor toys out with them?).  And just like playing indoors, playing outdoors requires using their imaginations.

    My kids spend a lot of time outside (a couple hours all year, more in the summer).  They play on the swingset, play soccer, play tetherball, climb trees, ride bikes, rollerblade, play in the sandbox, dig in the dirt, catch bugs and toads, pick flowers, have contests, do "olympics", put on "shows" of various sorts (hula hooping, gymnastics, dancing, etc.), play tag, play hide-and-seek, draw with sidewalk chalk, blow and catch bubbles, make mudballs and splash in puddles, create "forts" (under trees with branches for cover or with outdoor toys), spy on the grownups, and play lots of pretend games (going on "trips" on their bikes, having tea parties with cakes made of sand, playing school, pretending to explore the moon, etc.).  They tie jump ropes to the wagon and pull each other around.  They play in the leaves or the snow when that's an option.  Sometimes they bring out a book and read it on the swing or in a tree or in the grass; sometimes they bring paper and draw pictures of the flowers.

  6. When I was a kid inside was boring because my parents made it boring! I didn't have hardly anything as good as the things you have for your children. I had my bike, and my dog...that's it. My parents were against running the TV all day, and I didn't want to sit under them all day so I went outside. Also, my entire family spent a lot of time outside so that was an encouragement as well.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say they are spoiled, but if you want them to be outside, make inside less exciting.  

  7. Well I wouldn't say they are necessarily spoiled, but maybe they would like to invite other children over to play with them.  They certainly are provided for.  If I had those things for my toddler he'd be happy as can be!  See if you can think of new games to do in the pool (water polo, marco polo) and make sand castles in the sand box.  Get involved with their play.

    Our back yard has a tree, storage shed and our dog :)

    My two year old will play with his dog, a husky/lab mix named Ladybird.  Connor loves her and playing with that dog will keep him entertained for hours.  

  8. Sometimes kids just like to say they are bored. It sounds like they have tons of options.

    My kids - trampoline, balls, the hose (which is a huge favorite), jump ropes.  One thing they like to do is take their Barbies and dolls outside on a blanket and make a picnic for the dolls.

  9. They use there imagination because I do not let them play at the park, due to the park is nasty were I live. I let them play with a couple of toys.

    Incurage your kids to use there imagination.

    Oh look here comes a big monster quick run hide or fight it or look there are some pirates.

    Or invite other little kids over to play with them.

  10. my kids are 21 and 18 so the pool and outside Hot Tub is great for them and when my nieces and nephews come over they like to swim but I like you sometimes have to make them go out

      I think you are doing everything right the generation of kids in general would just rather sit inside and play video games. Making them go outside and play is the best thing you could do for them.

  11. My daughter (she just turned 4) plays with the water wheel table I got her, we play with bubbles, and I have a container of sidewalk chalk we use.  She also has a little Dora trike that she finally fits on (last year her legs were still too short for her to reach and pedal), I took her down to the park so she had a nice flat smooth surface to ride on - on the paved path that goes around/through the park.  At the sitter's she goes on the swingset and trampoline, at Grandma's she's been playing 'baseball'.  

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