
What doctor do you go to if you think you may have mastitis?

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Do you go to an OB, family practice, or does it matter?

I may have mastitis in my left breast and I don't know which doctor to call.




  1. You would usually go to you OB or general practioner.  Either one of them can give you the proper medication or tips you need to get rid of it

  2. Your Ob should be able to diagnose it. If not he/she will have a list of specialists they can refer you to. In my area its diagnosed by an OB.

  3. An urgent care doctor can help you and they are open 24/7. You need an antibiotic. In the mean time apply warm compresses to the area and it should relieve some of the pain. You can also take Tylenol so if you are breast feeding it won't hurt the baby.

    If there isn't an urgent care in your area you can go to the ER. I know it's a pain but if you are hurting they will be able to help you. I know how bad mastitis hurts...I had it in both b*****s.

    Good luck and feel better soon.

  4. Your gyn usually deals with any breast-related issues, so give her a call.  If she can't see you, your GP should be able to handle it too.

  5. Your obgyn can cover it but a nurse practitioner can handle it as well. If you've got mastitis, you'll know! In between now and when you can get seen, apply warm washcloths to the area.

  6. call the OB asap, best of luck

  7. IF you think that you have mastitis you need to see a doctor (any dr) right away, go to the ER if you have to.  Mastitis is not something to guess about because in bad cases it can be fatal if left untreated.  You will require medication to clear the infection from the breast.   You should placing very warm wash cloths on your breast, massage it and pump off all the milk until your breast feels soft (if you don't have a pump then hand express)  Do not allow your breast to engorge because it will make it feel worse.  See a dr and get yourself looked after.  

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