
What documentation do I need to enter canada as a US perm res?

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i am traveling to Canada and I am a perm resident of the US (with a green card), and have a valid DL. I will be visiting for 4 days. What documents do I need to enter Canada?




  1. if you are flying, you'll need a passport.

    If you are driving your driver's lisence and proof of perm. residency will be good enough.

  2. My dear Neda S......

    Well my dear, if you are a permanent resident (as I was)

    should have a valid passport as well... So what's the big deal??? Even if you don't need it...- still carry it with you - BUT : a valid driver's licence is document enough (besides your green card, which you carry with you anyhow!!! I had a green-card too...and went to Canada  several times... All they wanted to see was my drivers licence!!! BUT : I always carried my passport with me... just in case some "bourocrate" should ask for it!!!

    Canada is  REAL  NICE.... Toronto especially... so go ahead & enjoy it!!! Have a good trip!!

    Lots of greetings from Germany....  Annette****

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