
What documentation do i need to submit to get my american born daughter a british passport?

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I am an american father married to a British citizen and have 3 children born in the US. We are in the process of getting British passports for my kids. My question is, If both myself and my wife are sending in our "long form" birth certificates" then do i need to also get long foms birth certificates for my children? We have the common short form for all 3. My understanding is the long form differs from the short in the fact that the long form shows both parents birth location. since we are sending in our birth certificates why would we need to get the Long Form certificates for the children.? We will be submitting All of our current passports (parents and children) and official marriage liscense as well as the above mentioned birth certificates. Is there any other forms we will need to submit?




  1. Yes you need the long forms for children and the UK embassy clearly states that it is required. The reason they ask for the long form is that the long forms of birth certificates always state the parents names (sometimes the mother's maiden name) and has a long more details such as the parents place of birth.

    If your children are born before 1983:

    If your children are born after or during 1983:

    Check the UK embassy for the documents you need. At the top of my head you need the children's full birth certificate, mother's full birth certificate, mother's passport that she entered the US on, application forms, checklist, fee sheet, I think I showed copies of my passport and driver's licence (although that could have just been for my application and not my children).

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