
What documentation is required for marrying a non-citizen in the US?

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My fiance is British and I'm American. We've decided to get married in Ft Lauderdale, FL as it's about the same cost to travel there for both our families. The problem is, we're not sure what documentation, if any, is needed for us to perform a legal ceremony. We're also not sure if procuring a marriage license/certificate is a federal, state, or even county responsibility. I'm becoming very worried that we may not be able to perform a legal ceremony, being from different countries. Any ideas? HELP!




  1. well in california all you need is i.d or visa passport not expired that's all you need to go get your marriage certificate by the city hall.

  2. Is he here in the United States?

    I think it will be better for you to marry him in his country. Especially if he is a non- US citizen.

    Or you may petition him a your finacee and marry him here within 90 days.

    Those two suggestions will save you from more complications. Y is it unwise to get married while he still a non citizen? because Immgiration officers might think that he came here to find a citizen to marry and be eligible for a visa. Who knows. They might give you a hard time processing your papers both.

    Also you might want to check on the legalities and technicalities of marriage in Florida. Every state have different po;icies. I know  in Calif they perform the ceremony without background check as long as you have the state ID that's all you would need to present.

  3. contact the american consulate in Washington Dc, it may be more involved then you think....

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