
What documents do I need to cross the border from and to Mexico?

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I know I need a pasport but they have not asked for it yet I was just wondering because I'll be spending a weekend down in Rosarito




  1. A passport.  If you don't have one you aren't getting there or back.

  2. Driver's license.

  3. for now they just ask for your id or drivers license and maybe your birth certificate

  4. A Liscence or birth certificate if you are driving and a passport if you are flying.

  5. You'll need a passport my dear!

  6. passport

  7. You don't need anything. The illegals do it all the time. The US government doesn't care about the Mexican border. Just do what the millions of illegals do everyday!

  8. A passport for sure, and it's never a bad idea to have a license/state issued ID card or birth certificate--better to have too much than not enough.  No one wants to get stuck at the border...

  9. Nothing or and ID stating you are 18 or over at most. I live in Arizona and go down every couple months and you need nothing. They will ask your purpose say vacation and you are on you way, just be carful cause the police down there can be ******'s. Don’t drive a nice car cause you will park it somewhere and 5 minutes later your car is has everything stolen off of it as possible.  I have been to Mexico 50+ times.

  10. to cross from u.s.a you dont need nothing, but later you nedd i.d from you school or birthday certificate..

  11. If you are an American citizen, and you are FLYING, you must have a passport.  If you are travelling by LAND or SEA, passports are not yet needed.  you will need a photo I.D. and your certified birth certificate.  See site below for the CURRENT, correct info and read top half of page carefully.

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