
What does 2-years-to-life?

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what does 2-years-to life mean in california?




  1. It means the person could be in prison from 2 years minimum to the rest of his life.

  2. it means u can get jail tyme 4 watever crime u committed anywhere 4rm 2 yrs to the rest of ur life

  3. It means the person is eligible for parole in 2 years....but it's not guaranteed.

  4. That's a pretty broad sentencing guideline.

  5. It's usually 25 years to life, not 2 years to life. It means 25 years of the sentence must be served before a person would be eligible for a parole hearing. And usually parole is not granted the first time around.

  6. Depends on your age, If 93...means two years max.  

  7. It means he will probably be in the can a long time.  What did he do?

    Dont bother waiting for him.

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