
What does 20/20 vision look like?

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i just had eye surgery, so Im trying to see/adjust to what 20/20 vision looks like. Examples or????




  1. perfect!!.so clear and crisp.When I got new glasses I was amazed at how far I could see.

  2. It's not really explainable,many people have various types of opinions.Basically 20/20 vision is crisp,perfect,clear and advanced type of eyesight.Many people are lucky to even get close to it.

  3. Most patients who complain about their new glasses have 20/20.

    Patients who have 20/20 with their new contacts often complain of unclearness.  Their vision may have been better with their old glasses or with hard lenses.

  4. 20/20 vision is the baseline for the norm. Means you see at 20 feet what a person with "normal" vision would see at 20 feet. If you're lucky enough to have 20/10 vision you can see at 20 feet what a person with "normal" vision would have to be 10 feet away from to make out.

    Check out the link it explains things pretty good.

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