
What does ' all inclusive' mean?

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What does ' all inclusive' mean?




  1. No deviation from the standards set.

  2. All inclusive means everything.... absolutely everything including the kitchen sink!

  3. most drinks and meals and entertainment ..... we stayed in Puerto and everything was free but only one type of beer and horrible champaine and crappy bacon.

  4. everything is included,

    meals, drinks, activities

    call the company or hotel and find out exactly what they do and don;t cover

  5. It means everything is paid for!

    You should not have to bring any money with you except for tipping and shopping.

    Read the fine print though

  6. Usually means, transportation, hotel & food.  Sometimes spending money.

  7. A vacation package where food & alcohol are included in the price.

  8. It means they, or you, pay for everything.

  9. Food and drinks are included in the price of the trip.

  10. covers accommodation, all food and most drinks. Go for it!

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