
What does 'Positivist' mean in sociology?

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What does 'Positivist' mean in sociology?




  1. hmm... i am getting the feeling that you are a student from Murdoch in the SOC134 unit, am I right?

    I noticed you asked what three of the key concepts were on here. Are you an internal or external student?

  2. Positivism is no stranger to controversy, least of all in sociology, where its viability has been the subject of a long-running debate among theorists of different stripes. Yet the question remains to what degree sociological practitioners continue to find positivism to be persuasive. This question is approached through a content analysis of 176 randomly selected articles published in the late 1960s and the late 1980s in the official journals of the American, Canadian, Scandinavian and British sociological associations. Using an index based on seven elements of positivism that were characteristic of the "theory construction" movement of the late 1960s, the authors found both persistence and change. The results raise questions about the relationship between the realms of theory and practice in sociology and whether sociologists' philosophies of science reflect what practitioners actually do in their sociological work The authors conclude with suggestions for further research on this topic.

  3. someone that uses pure logic, and does not believe anything metaphysical(i.e Unicorns, leprechauns...etc)

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