
What does 'Speed' actually do to a persons body then?

by  |  earlier

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i 'used' to use it alot but no longer & was actually wondering other than the blasts of housework, what else it does to you physically & mentally




  1. Pumps your heart at a fast and dangerous rate,giving you the false sense of awareness.

    When you come down your body is left drained and exhausted.

    Your heart rate can go to extremes on this drug.

    Causing massive heart attacks, brain hemorrhage, collapse, coma and Death. It also suppresses your appetite so if you take it long term you will notice rapid weight loss. Believe me it is not worth the risk.

  2. It increases the heart rate abnormally,and therefore highers your blood pressure.It also has an effect on your kidneys.You could have some permanent damage,but perhaps won't know until your much older.Let's hope not.

  3. i never used to do housework on it..unless it was the next day and i am stilling pinging..

    only like doing it at pubs or clubs

    for me it just gave confidence, happiness, forgot all my worries/stresses, talkative, urge to chew gum or the sides of my mouth, music sounded better, urge to dance

    have no idea of the physics of it though sorry

  4. It speeds up your heart rate, and makes you heart beat very inefficiently. If this goes on long enough, you will die of heart failure.

  5. Its effects are like an adrenaline rush - it makes your heart go like the Flying Scotsman on amyl and you feel like you're bursting with energy and can dance all night. Speed can wake you up, make you feel extremely confident and outgoing and turn the quietest introvert into a gyrating John Travolta on the dance floor

    Speed can turn people into breathtaking bores. If you've ever been cornered by someone who's just snorted a gram, expect hours of pure tedium as they recall in great detail ****-dull anecdotes from their childhood. People often get a bit emotional and will constantly reassure complete strangers that they are their best mates for life.

  6. "Meth Mouth", loss of teeth, looking 20 years older than you are, loss of body weight to a debilitating degree, psychosis, loss of skin tone and gaining lots of wrinkles, permanent brain damage, psychotic episodes, loss of judgment in matters moral and legal, attempted suicide, isolation from absolutely everyone except other meth addicts, and a complete inability to hold a job due to unstable behavior.

    It is a poison and addiction recovery is about 5%.  95 out of 100 addicts can't stop, ever.  

    Addiction generally means you lose your life and enter a h**l on earth.

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