
What does 'carpool' mean?

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What does 'carpool' mean?




  1. to give people a ride to work on a regular basis in exchange for gas money or a ride to work on another day

  2. when instead of 1 person in each car, 7 people in each van, helps enviroment

  3. Carpool-

    –noun Also, car pool. 1. Also, carpooling, car pooling. an arrangement among a group of automobile owners by which each owner in turn drives the others or their children to and from a designated place.  

    2. those included in such an arrangement.  

    –verb (used without object) 3. Also, car-pool. to form or participate in a carpool.  


    An arrangement whereby several participants or their children travel together in one vehicle, the participants sharing the costs and often taking turns as the driver.

    A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a carpool

  4. share a ride to work with more than one person to save time money energy and gas

  5. you and three or four mates share driving to work.

    next week you swap, they drive their car and pick you and the others up and so on,

  6. a pool full of cars, duh!

    a car that has all the people inside, going to the same place or area. like carpooling to work, ie carpooling with a friend, riding in their whip

  7. a bunch of people catching a ride in 1 car.

  8. pool is a congregation of people so carpool is 2 or more in a car

  9. it means when u go to work..u take ur buddies in the car with u so they dont have to waste extra gas

  10. 2 or more people in a car

  11. Jess is correct, the legal definition is more than one occupant in the car.

  12. carpool means having two or more license driver in a vehicle. it does not consider having two or more people/children in a vehicle. yeh, carpool means to ride in one and saves gas to some people but the real truth about carpooling is the ones  who are license to drive. the ones who have a driver's license.

  13. Carpooling means to have 1 or more people in the car while driving them all to work. saves money, and gas. its kinda like a school bus, picks up like 20 kids and drops them off at school. Like at my school you will never see a student driver only drive by him/herself they always have there friends in the car with them.

  14. when u get a ride from a friend or someone...

  15. everyone goes in one car... so they all pool in the car i guess.

  16. riding in cars with other people

  17. "pool" refers to the "collection" of something.  Society accepts that cars are intended to transport people, therefore "carpooling" means to collect people into a car for the purpose of transporting them.

  18. It is when a bunch of people ride in the same car to work/school to save gas/money. Unless there is some other meaning im not aware of :)

  19. It means you pool your resources by sharing a car.  "Pool" in this sense means to put everything together.  Typically everyone would contribute gas money, etc.  Maybe you trade off cars (one day one person drives, the next day someone else drives, etc.), maybe one person does all the driving and that person (because they have wear and tear on their car) doesn't have to pay for the gas, etc.?

  20. Carpooling (also known as car-sharing, ride-sharing, lift-sharing), is the shared use of a car, especially for commuting to work, often by people who each have a car but travel together to save cost and to promote other socio-environmental benefits. In some locations, there are special facilities intended to encourage carpooling such as designated pick-up points and high-occupancy vehicle lanes which only allow cars with multiple riders at certain times of the day.

    Carpool projects have been around in a structured form since the mid-1970s and have recently begun to more extensively use the Internet and other software support systems. With the recent advent of mobile phones and SMS, there is a push to integrate these technologies into more flexible systems on the internet.

    Carpool participants save money by sharing the cost of driving one car. Driving one car saves on gasoline, tolls, parking and vehicle maintenance.

    Carpool lane available.

    Carpools decongest roads.

    Carpools reduce pollution and carbon dioxide emissions thereby reducing global warming.

    Carpools reduces driving-related stress for participants who are not driving on a specific ride. The participants take turns sharing their vehicles and driving with others.

    Carpools may provide social connections in an increasingly disconnected society. New online carpooling services are offering new ways to make social connections through discussion sites and custom ridesharing services.

    Some larger carpools offer "sweeper services" of late pick-up options for people having to stay longer at work. One form of backup is a "guaranteed ride home" arrangement with a local taxi company.

    There are designated carpool lanes on highways (usually called High-Occupancy Vehicle, or HOV lanes), which may make travel faster. Some businesses offer premier parking for carpoolers, and finding a spot to park one car is always easier than finding a spot for more.

    In the "dynamic ridesharing" concept the system does one-to-one matching automatically, and all that both, the driver and passenger have to do is accept the match done by the system.

  21. more then one person in a car

  22. You and a bunch of your drunk friends drive into a pool.

  23. It means a pool in a car!!! JK it means more than one person rides together in a car!!!

  24. It means a car that is shared between a pool of people

  25. HEY JUICY:



  26. It means two or more people travelling in one vehicle--"pool" meaning the resource of the vehicle's use is available to a number of people.  It's a way for people to save gasoline and overall damage to the environment by sharing rides.

  27. a pool you wouldn't cannonball into

  28. a car that acts like a bus for students

  29. 2 or more person in a car.

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