
What does 'creeper' and 'tool' mean?

by  |  earlier

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I was hanging out with some of my brothers friends and well for one, I'm pretty sure they like me. But anyways, we were talking about like 2 yrs ago and one of them says 'Yeah I went through my old inbox reading the messages I sent to my GF. And wow, I was a creeper! That's not me anymore though!'

And then later I asked them about the one guy I have a HUGE crush on because he's really sweet to me (in a normal way. not like- weird) and one of my brothers friends says 'No. Don't date him. He's a total tool.'

And I was like... okay?

So what do the words creeper and tool mean?

Well, the kid I like is very smart but he's also very very rich. (that's not why I like him. I'm not shallow)

And I don't think they really like that.

A lot of girls do like him. But I mean, he hasn't dated anyone in like, a year.

Eh. My brother's friends are like my brothers. They can tell me pretty much anything.




  1. ok tool means stupid,dumb,retarted like when your bagging someone you go you such a tool!!!!!!!!!!

    and creeper means weird,strange kinda scary LOL

    :] hop i helped  

  2. creeper in the context he was using sounds like he was nosy trying to ask her about too much of her business. and tool is an a$$hole basically

  3. Creeper is like creep. Like, he said stuff that is obsessive or rude or lewd. Like, "Oh, you're the only one for me I'd die without you baby, never leave me!" "I watch you while you sleep." "I wanna **** you right now, because you're so hot ommmggg."

    Tool is like the douchy dude-bro guy. He wears nice clothes, he's a prick, uses women, has money, proclaims he has money, etc.

  4. Creeper is just like creep I believe and tool is like... well  don't really know!


  5. A creeper is a sketchy, weird person. A tool is someone who gets "used" by other people and gets taken advantage of easily. They also try to use other people to get what they want. People who are tools usually try to follow trends or try to do something or act a certain way just to look cool. A "tool" is basically another word for a loser or a poser.

  6. what everyone else said

    but if they say more slang that you don't get check out i just look it up instead of asking people who will think i'm weird cuz i don't know what it means, haha

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