
What does 'duty free' shopping mean?

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I'm going on a cruise in May and I have seen on several websites and in brochures, the term "duty free". Does anyone know what this means?




  1. it means that what ever u buy u dont have to pay any tax on it

  2. tax free shopping

  3. Duty Free shopping means that Customs and import duties or taxes for the country where they are being sold- are not being charged from you. For example, a carton of cigarettes might cost you $10 at the Duty Free shop at an airport in your country and $14 for a similar pack, in a regular store outside the airport. The additional $ 4 you paid outside was collected by your country as taxes and import fees etc...if the product was imported.

    Duty Free shops are excellent places to buy since they usually offer high-quality stuff and the latest ranges of goods at reasonable rates. Tobacco and alcohol is usually cheaper at Duty Free stores.

    Since you are going on a cruise- here's a tip. Buying at a Duty Free store does not necessarily mean that you will be exempted from paying import duties when you enter a particular country. Some countries charge an import duty if you are carrying an item bought at a Duty Free store outside their territory. For example, Egypt can charge you import duty for a bottle of scotch whisky that you bought at a Duty Free in Cyprus during your cruise.

    Rules differ according to countries but generally import duties are charged only if you are carrying any particular item in larger or commercial quantities.

  4. You dont pay stamp duty on it, that is why it is alot cheaper than products you buy in your general store etc

  5. Be careful with the so called Duty Free shops on ships.

    Depends a lot on the itineraries that you are sailing.

    I´ve worked for both large concessions that explore the shops on ships and most products are not really duty free.

    It makes a huge diference in products that are higly taxed such as Licor, Cigarettes, Tobacco, but perfumes are no longer Duty Free, neither are jewellery, watches and all the c**p they sell with a 200% mark up.

    And in some destinations the shops are NOT duty free, even though they advertise in the bags and even in the shop windows as being so.

    Some cruises in the Med are not (you can see the receipt will say VAT included.

    All ships that cruise the so called Brazilian Season, whitout leaving Braziliam waters also are duty paid.

    In the Caribbean even the duty free products are sometimes cheaper shoreside. (Booze, Cigs)

    And some ports are duty free (Canary Islands, Gibraltar... so their prices are cheaper as well.)

    In the Baltic with UK passengers we made a fortune in Cigarettes, since our price was a third of the ones practiced in the UK. People bought it by the case (25 cartons). Wich is agaisnt EU law, but they did it anyway.

    All the other products can be cheaper than shoreside, because the 2 big concessions buy a lot, so they can have good prices, but its advisable to compare prices.

  6. There u have cheaper items then in usual shops!!

  7. You don't have to pay duties.  It means you don't have to stuff those diamonds you bought on vacation in your lower intestine.

  8. It means there are no customs duty to pay at the airport/ port or on a duty free island..

    So the goods are going to be a lot cheaper than anywhere else..

  9. duty free shopping means all d items r free free from customs duty so u have to pay less price for buting an item...

  10. You can't do number 2 .......... (dooty free)....LOL !!!

    I just couldn't resist this one!!

    Have a great time.... you will love it !!!!!!!!!

  11. Some or most countries have an extra charge placed against imported goods it is called a duty charge and it applies to some of the things you may buy while over seas the duty free adds are there to tell you you can buy certain goods and avoid paying the duty on them when you come to your home port.

  12. One does not pay the usual taxes associated with trade in that country.  However, upon your return to your home country you must declare the items and will pay tax if it is over the allowable import limit.  The only way you will benefit from it is if the carrier is inbound to your home country, then it is duty free upon destination.

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