
What does 60 degree water feel like or what can you compare it to.?

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What does 60 degree water feel like or what can you compare it to.?




  1. It most likely will not be pleasant at first. It depends a lot on your surroundings, ie if its 100 degrees out and the water is 60 degrees your body temperature will be higher and your skin will be pretty hot, so there will be some discomfort. Now if its 70 degrees out and the water is 60 degrees it wont be as uncomfortable.

    If you want to get an idea of what it will be like, run some cold tap water on your under arms, It sounds bazaar, but that's one the the warmest and most tender pars of your body. So the contrast in temperatures should be pretty close.

    But don't worry, your body will adapt surprisingly fast. And if your adrenalin is pumping due to riding in jet skis or cliff jumping you'll hardly notice it, cause you'll be having too much fun.

  2. Run your cold water tap out of your sink and imagine swimming in it.

  3. Like swimming in a bathtub of cold water!

    You can jump in, but you don't want to stay in very long.

    Most people keep their pools around 80-85 degrees

  4. 60degC is too hot for a bath. 50C is ok.

    60degF is chilly to swim in.

  5. Um, 60 degrees? That's about luke warm. For me, it's a little on the cool side but I always love hot water. It's not too chilly though. Compare it to an indoor light heated pool at a hotel. Hope this helps! :)

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