
What does 90th percentile mean in terms of a 11 year old's weight?

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What does 90th percentile mean in terms of a 11 year old's weight?




  1. im not sure if you want the honest answer but i think it means heavy

  2. If you height isn't around 90th percentile or higher, then you probably need to lose some weight

  3. it would mean that out of a poll of 11 yr olds that he/she is around the top range of weight classes  

  4. it means that your kid is in the top 90th percent of children his age. Which is above normal. however, 10 percent of children his age are larger than him

  5. It means they weigh more than 90 percent of all the other 11th graders weighed.

  6. It means that he/she is bigger than the majority of kids his/her age but it is not always bad.  THe 11 year old may just have bigger bones!  I have seen kids in the 130th percentile it really is only a guessing chart.

  7. it means that your kid is in the top 90th percent of children his age. Which is above normal. however, 10 percent of children his age are larger than him

    0 seconds ago  

  8. It means 90 percent of children that are 11 have the same weight as the child in question.

  9. it means say a doc says your in the 90th percentile it means 90 percent of 11 year olds wiegh that

  10. It means that he/she weighs more than 90 percent of 11 year olds.

  11. it means out of 100 children the age 11 that particular kids weighs more than 89 of them

  12. it means that your weight is the average weight for an a 11 year old

  13. if there are 100 girls she is heavier than 90 of them

  14. its at risk of being over weight

  15. hey! I'm 11 also!!!

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