
What does Abu Ghraib say about imprisonment conditions?

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What does Abu Ghraib say about imprisonment conditions?




  1. It says that oversight is a necessity and that mistakes can happen.

    It also says that there are a lot of people that are willing to blow things out of proportion to increase their political power, regardless of the effect to the security of their country.

    It also says that leftists will continue to harp about a relatively minor incident, anything for mindless propaganda.

  2. Actually I really couldn't care less about prison conditions, if you don't want to experience rotten prison conditions, keep yourself out of prison. Prison is supposed to be a horrible punishment, it's not supposed to be a hotel, a country club, fun, comfortable, enjoyable, etc. Every day that you are in prison you are supposed to be lamenting the decision you made to earn your place there.

  3. As near as I can tell, it says that if you have the power, you are right. This goes on to explain our prison conditions in the US these days also, not quite as extremely, but the thought is there

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