
What does Al Gore have to do with global warming?

by Guest44757  |  earlier

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Why do people bring up Al Gore in a conversation whenever you're talking about global warming?




  1. For some reason, the people who are in denial about it seem to believe the rest of us are in a cult and have been brainwashed by Al Gore.  It was a known issue for years before "An Inconvenient Truth" came out, but didn't receive much attention in the media.  Now there is greater public awareness, and (here more than anywhere else I know of) some backlash.  The easy target for those deniers is Al Gore, maybe because it's too much work to do some research and find out the names of scientists, or maybe because they actually think the science is non-existent and it's only a political issue.

  2. Basically nothing.  He made the science accessible to the general public.  That's about it.

    He's just an easy target because he's a politician, not a scientist.  The global warming 'skeptics' can't argue the science, so they attack Gore instead.

  3. Because all of his verbal "hot air" is causing the global warming scare.

  4. Because he's full of hot air and BS so he's the main contributor to global warming.

    Also, he kind of sparked the more recent "green" fad with his overhyped movie "An Inconvenient Truth"

  5. because gores proves how stupid he is about the topic .

  6. Because he is The Great Leader of the Church of Latter Day Environmentalists.


    Carbon Dioxide levels around Mr. Gore while he is talking about global warming can be dangerously high.  In the event of a diatribe, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling.

    Help yourself first, then help the children.

  8. Cars were really unsafe long before Ralph Nader showed up.  He just shined a light on it.

    Landmines from previous wars were blowing kids up long before Princess Diana showed up.  Ditto.

    Global warming - Al Gore - ditto.

  9. Wow Algore is the first one to use Global Warming as a new technique at investing in bussiness concept. c**p ****

  10. Because he is always polluting the environment with his gas guzzling jets and massive homes that take a nuclear power plant to heat.

  11. Al Gore didnt invent the concept of global warming. He just popularized awareness of it in a documentary film he produced in 2006 (?) called "An Inconvenient Truth".

    Al Gore has been a longstanding advocate of environmental policy (even in his VP days), and the movie just more or less turned him into the Dalai Lama of green consciousness. In fact, its a fair statement that the "green" movement probably would not have entered collective American awareness if it wasn't for his role in promoting it. Every social movement needs a catalyst person, and he was it for this one.

  12. Very little.  He has written a book and given speeches (which were made into a movie) that discussed the issue.  He hasn't done any original work on it.

    The people who bring him up are generally people who don't like him.  They can't accept anything he says, no matter HOW many scientists are also saying it.

  13. He is the high priest of global warming that makes outrageous claims with no scientific background of his own.  In the seventies we were warned about global cooling.  I agree that we should not waste energy and should be good stewards of the earth's resources.  Al Gore lives in a twenty room plus eight bath energy guzzling mansion in Nashville, Tennessee.  He has two other lesser homes.  The global warming enthusiast, Brad Pitt recently bought a 3.5 million dollar home.  It is amazing how these phonies can jet around the world and yet warn us about our energy use.  Some of the other planets in our solar system are also warming suggesting that our sun is burning hotter.  Young people are easily persuaded that the world is falling apart just as they arrived on the scene.

  14. Because there are many people that can't separate the man from the subject.  I'd say about 80% of the people that don't believe in anthropogenic global warming on here do so because they have no respect for Al Gore. If he said that the sun was going to rise tomorrow they would dispute it. These people usually know nothing about science, so they glom onto whatever pseudoscience they can find to support their anti-Gore viewpoint.  It's really sad that there are so many scientifically illiterate people that they can't understand the science and forget about Gore.

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