
What does Ameica mean to you?

by Guest59779  |  earlier

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Not the stolen, politically perverted, stained with sickening politics, but the TRUE AMERICA mean to you?




  1. Let me start out by saying I'm not American but I've been to the US and I like it. Not all, of course, just globally. Anyway, what is the true America? America is the things you like and thethings you dislike, no way of separating them. I like the landscapes, a certain sense of freedom and relaxement that used to be, the variety, the music, the movie industry despite all the gobbledigook movies we get to watch, the friendliness. I dislike the politics (but I dislike them in my own country as well), the excessive anti-tobbaco laws that have spread to Europe too, some excessive and irrational nationalism and the educational problem that leads to things such as Christian fundamentalisms and creationisms that deny all reason or to the occasional mass murders. I also dislike the selfishness that makes the poor be unprotected. That's it sincerely in rather general terms.

  2. A place where only Native Americans (Aboriginals, Red Indians etc.) leave in peace and harmony and all emigrants including all Europeans go back to where they came from.

  3. Question for question - and taken you mean the USA saying America: considered the 80 % of the US citizens favourable to the illegal war against Iraq in 2003, and the 52 % of them favourable last month to an illegal war against Iran, where are you situating your "true America"?

  4. Somebody can sat "God bless America" but for me America just mean a big country,best country on backetball:D,with cool guys,many of my friends are americans,but there are some  bad guys :D

  5. I live in the USA, but I'm English. It amazes me that Americans see themselves as the best country on the planet, yet few have been out of the USA to visit other countries to compare culture etc.

    I like living here, but I have reservations about the corrupt nature of the general populace. yes, most are very nice to your face, but they will turn and bite you behind your back.

    Only in the States can you sell something in a yard sale for more than you can buy new in the store.  I never could understand that illogicality. In general, I like the Americans, but they can be very naive about those abroad. They have a tendency to not like the influx of Latinos, but are willing to employ them over their fellow citizens, for they will work for a lot less. Hum... There is something very wrong here.

  6. To Me america means home of the prisoned not home of the free. If it was home of the free. We wouldn't have to do taxes or get arrested just for not paying them. it also sucks because we are in war and getting our love ones killed for nothing just cause we want power the TRUE AMERICA is a bully.  Thats what I think.

  7. WTF is Ameica(*America*)? America isnt even a country its U.S., United States of America.

    America means to me the two continents. North and South.

  8. Being an American and having lived in several other countries around the globe, I think America means a place where diversity is welcomed and opportunity is available for those who try their hardest.  People are protected by a constitution based on the equal rights of all people; a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  From the previous responses, I know many of you will think I'm dreaming, but these are our ideals.  Many Americans don't share in these ideals and they will always complain and make life miserable for others.  I have worked in countries from rich to stunningly poor, and I thank God every day that I have the opportunities that I do.  I am  annoyed daily by things I dislike about current culture, but I can make choices for myself.

  9. A mash up.  A mutt. An adolescent. America is a 225+ year experiment in human behavior.

    Americans have their minds full with ideas based in cultures around the world.

    This whole political and philosophical experiment happened when the ideas of the Enlightenment made it to the pioneering colonies of the Western Hemisphere.  These pioneers, often on the fringe of the church or debtors prison.

    Many immigrated to the West - from Europe, from Africa (well not a deliberate immigration), and from the far East. There were a lot of people sharing a lot of new ideas, some common and some strange.  They learned to tolerate and accept each other's differences, and live beside each other.  

    The Native Americans were content citizens of Gaia, and the land owned them. They, too learned to interact and relate to the New Europeans.

       This is where that "America" thing begins - is learning to live beside one another, appreciate and understand each other's differences, and live in peace.  Unfortunately, America (then and now) has never completely lived up to the promise.  But, we cling to the hope that one day - things will be better, and that promise will be more real for the next generation.

  10. this question is lame

  11. We are a country that has the most people behind bars then any other country in the world. China has over 1 BILLION people, yet, we still have more people in our prison. That should tell you something about our system.

  12. I don't know what the true America is (I assume you mean the USA). Because it gives too much power to one man. If he is an idiot, then the US becomes idiotic, if he is forward thinking, fair, intelligent and young, then he gets assassinated.  You cannot separate the politics from the reality, because they are intertwined too closely. The President is the US.

    This is the True America, as I see it.


  14. The USA is a very large country without an internal cohesive force so political unity must continually be constructed through opposition to an other, especially to a dangerous other.

  15. Well, it is still the worse country to live with the worse political system, except for all the other countries..

    And for those of you that didn't get it.

    The USA is the best country in the world!!!

  16. I love my country so much!God bless America!

    We are so blessed and lucky to be here!

  17. As we know it, according to Philip Freneau (about 1760) America was supposed to be a country of great thinkers as well as doers. Contribution to the world should come in the form of ideas. I think this actually happened, for some years. Pity they didn't manage to eventually keep up with the plan.

    To me what it really means is a country of different experiments; some pan out, others not. Law enforcement, immigration policy, collective discipline, were all experienced in that one nation. What turned out to be the right decision was followed suit in other developed nations. What didn't work is harnessed as a source of criticism of America as a whole.

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