
What does Bernard Hopkins and Mike Tyson have in common?

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10 pts for the correct answer.?

hint - it has something to do with wheat!




  1. They both fight dirty like they are in a brawl in a prison shower---- Maybe Bernard thought he was picking up a bar of soap when he bent over after that " phantom foul " ?

  2. they both trash talk then lose which really looks silly



  3. you spelt that wrong its weak

    Hopkins gets his ars kicked he was to scared to fight all he done was

    hold   hold   hold    hold   hold   hold

    head butt   head butt   head butt    head butt

    what a little p***y he is............

    next on his list is Roy Jones...

    we kicked Americas butts....

  4. They both have the same IQ level

  5. PRISON!!! and being OVER THE HILL does the hill have wheat.

  6. both of them don't like shredded wheat, so the both have to eat wheatabix.?

  7. They both cheat and still lose

  8. Prison, Islam and they both lost their last fight to a White guy.

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