
What does Bipolar feel like to you when "high"?

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I was just wondering what it feels like for a person to be on the higher end of the two poles. Do you enjoy it? do you even know at all?




  1. I'm usually more productive. I have more energy, and I feel like I'm "on top of the world!!!" So it's good in a way, but I've also had some dangerous behaviors while on a high. Like thinking I can drive 95mph...

  2. It feels like I'm god-Im everything I have always wanted to be, but I tend to be a little overbearing when I'm that way..I get greedy..I want to completely change my life for the better in one day, but it doesn't happen like that..

  3. I am productive. I feel good with lots of energy. I begin to think I don't need the meds.  

  4. Mist gave a very good answer,my head is wishy washy now so I find it hard to write down the experience,but it is just as she says.

  5. Of course we know!

    Hypomania is the place of the good, euphoric high - much productivity, fun, feel good, easy to be very social, etc.  Mania, however, gets to be tooooo much.  Thoughts racing too fast to hold, energy that is almost painful in its unrelentingness, little or no sleep for days or weeks on end, serious disinhibition and bad judgment, maybe serious hypersexuality, maybe psychosis, maybe extremely disorganized thinking, maybe s***w up you entire life in a few weeks, etc.  As you may have guessed, I like hypomania but will easily trade it in to avoid being manic again.

    Bipolar episodes don't give ppl amnesia or turn ppl stupid, just mentally disorganized if the episode is extreme.  And, ppl with bipolar remember how they felt during episodes just like most ppl remember how they felt in the past.

  6. Bi-Polar is a sorry excuse to not get anything done. Sorry every experience I have had with Bi-Polar they are lazy, on drugs, and use this as an excuse to get money from the government. So I really don't believe in Bi-Polar.  

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