
What does Buon Capodanno mean in english?

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What does Buon Capodanno mean in english?




  1. It means HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    Capodanno means Jan 1st , or first day of the year!

  2. Buon Copodanno mean in English Happy New Years.

  3. It means, 'Happy New Year!' <*-*>

  4. Capodanno is the first day of the new year, so it could be translated ad Happy new year

  5. Technically, it translates as Happy New Year or Good New Year as others have said. However, Italians don't say it this way. You are more like to hear, "Buon Anno," which simply means, "Good Year" but it is what you hear as the new year greeting.

  6. It means Happy New Year

  7. happy new year!!!  =D

  8. Happy New Years

  9. happy first day of the year

  10. Happy New Year, however, when broken down...

    Buon means Good

    Capo means Head

    Anno means Year

    danno means it gives

    Literally: It gives good head year

  11. Buon capodanno I've never heard...

    I mean.In Italy we use Buon Anno (happy new Year)

    Literally buon capodanno means" happy first day of the year"

    Buon Natale Happy chistmas

  12. Happy New Year!

  13. Listen, i'm Italian.

    Buon Capodanno means"Happy new year".

    Buon=Happy/good literally

    Capo=first day of the year(not head as someone people was saying before/in this case u cannot translate it as head!).

    Danno/d'anno=of the year

    *When we say:"what are u doing on Capodanno's day".We mean:"what are u doing on the 31st of December(night)".However Capodanno is considered as the 1st day of January too, at 00:00 when you celebrate the new year.There we say"Buon Capodanno!"

    The other answers they gave u are not perfectly correct.They were nice to give u their translation but the Italian is my mothertongue.

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