
What does Chicago plan on doing about their cap ceiling?

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They are currently (I believe) about 2.5 mill over their ceiling, making a trade, or a retirement, necessary. I assume they want to trade away Khabibulin and/or Havlat but who wants to buy their contracts (6.5 and 6 mill per season respectively, I think) when the they're both not producing, and Havlat is injury prone? Who do they expect to pick them up, are there already teams making offers that I haven't heard about?




  1. i hope they do trade Havlet...he spends more time in the ijury list than the active list

    and as for Khabibulin  or known as the hole in the brick wall.. he also can go away ..and that would improve our team even with some minor leaguers

  2. Havlat or Khabibulin are the obvious choices but who would want them?  LA certainly has the cap space to pick up either and maybe willing to take a chance on Khabibulin given there goalie situation.

    Buyouts are also an option as well as Robert Lang at 4million in the last year of his contract.  Also the hawks are 2.5 million over with only 20 players on the active roster- no room for spares or injuries.

    They do have almost 4 million tied up in bonus, if the NHL and NHLPA agree not to reopen the CBA in theory then the bonus money if met can be deferred to next year's cap. As it is now that the CBA can be reopened, this could be considered the last year of the CBA making it impossible to deffer bonus.

  3. Have fun with you know why Ottawa didn't sign him again.

  4. Havlat is a stud and for offense this year, with the loss of Williams they do need him, so I don't think they will trade him but will give him a significant amount less of ice time. I do believe they will do their best to get rid of Khabibulin and if need be they can always buy him out if nobody will take a trade for him. But he is a solid goalie and teams like the kings still need a solid goalie no matter what the cost, so I could see that three way trade happening but I would assume that they would get nothing better than a second round draft pick but who knows.

  5. There have been rumors in the Chicago media, print and radio, that there is a 3 team trade in the works involving Ottawa, LA Kings, and the Hawks. Khabibulin's name has been mentioned in this deal.

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