
What does China have to do to take away everything the Oil Corps own?

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Stop buying America's debt.

When the dollar is finally proven worthless everything the oil corps own will also be worthless, unless they are willing to sell their refineries in Pesos.

And if any of you Bushies think China will never do this, think again. By doing so they would destroy America, it's Army and all the mercenariness since none of them would get paid.

China will not lose money, they will inherit America without firing a single shot and their soldiers will come here without pay just so they can "take' a wife.

I'm surprised the Rand Corporation think tank hasn't told Cheney this already. America can only do as much as China will tolerate then they can destroy us buy not buying our debt and in fact selling the debt they already do have.




  1. Part of the problem is the American appetite for foreign made goods. Instead of buying that shirt made in Bangladesh, buy one made here. Instead of looking for excuses to spend your paycheck, invest your money or at the very least place it into a savings account. Do with less and invest more. Cripple their economy by reducing your purchases. And lastly, pay off your outstanding debts that are owned by foreign interests.

  2. Nothing, that's just another one of Buttock Obama's BS stories...LIES.

  3. I agree we are definitely cornered. It is between an economic invasion or  a physical one.

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