
What does Cuba think of this?

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  1. Yep, still nothing in their newspapers and the tv news program...somehow they've got information on all the medals and the medalists in the different sports activities. But nothing so far on Angel Valodia Matos and the taekwondo incident.

  2. Well, the official point of view of the government will be, either not mention it ( most likely ), or , if it comes out, then they will try to justify it  

  3. I just checked major Cuban newspapers on Kidon Media-Link and there is no mention of Angel Valodia Matos.

  4. The Cuban government will keep that in silence

    So, they will say nothing

  5. They think your an ******* nerd for thnking is funny, really it wasn't all that funny.

  6. In this kind of situations, the Cuban government keeps a total silence

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