
What does DX mean by suck it?

by  |  earlier

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What does the it means




  1. Usually, it's short for 'suck my d!ck' which is a very aggressive and rude challenge.  It implies that the target is an inferior person whose only value is to provide sexual gratification.

  2. literally...bend over and give them head.  

  3. ..... u don't want to know.......................................















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  4. r u five

  5. i think i'll let you figure it out

  6. suck my crotch, s***w you its our way or no other way.  My way or the highway, or just add insult to injury

  7. u can suck they D**K

  8. i am  going to let you figure that out

  9. it basically means s***w off

  10. well if you don't like what there sayin then you will have to bend over and give them head.(looooooooooool) xD

  11. i can't believe you don't know. you will figute it out

  12. a d*ck

  13. Suck my ahem, manhood.

  14. Its also means Vince loves.. CCCOOOOOOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC............

  15. they mean suck on a sucker

  16. lol, you obviously didnt watch wrestling during the attitude era.  

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