
What does Dale Jr. care more about?

by Guest56905  |  earlier

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Does he honestly care about WINNING and getting as many points as possible..... or is he there just for the MONEY he makes off merchandising from his overly large fan base and being a driver at HMS?

This is an honest question, not trying to diss Jr. at all.




  1. money    money    money

  2. Racing is Junior's life.  He enjoys racing.  The money to him dosn't matter.

  3. I think he just likes racing, Thats the bottom line. Sure he'd love to win it all, but i really think he just likes to drive.

  4. Moneys not an issue.  He wants to win bad but just needs improvements in certain areas.   He's ok just not spectacular that often.

  5. the point in all sports is to be #1 at the end of the season. if jr can gain enough points without winning a lot of races he is doing his job right.  look at the patriots last year 16-0 but lost the title

  6. He would rather race for point$ aka money. He ha$ no aggre$$ion at all. $eriously he just crui$e$ around and whatever happen$, happen$. It'$ boring.

  7. Junya seems to have a talent for losing maybe he cares more about doing that.

  8. Look at it this way, RCR offered Jr more money than HMS did, Jr went the way of trying to win races and championships. Jr's got enough money.

    Oh let me guess jodi, the other 17 wins were all fuel mileage wins as well, idiot.

  9. he cares about winning and racing. and every one cares about money no matter who you are. he can't win them all.

  10. He doesn't seem like one of those guys who will stay in the sport full time past age 40, that's for sure... unless NASCAR pays him to...

  11. I think he cares most about racing and winning, the thing is,

    when he changed to HMS because HMS is supposedly the

    best team to help him get that championship,,he didn't consider how Kyle Busch would woop his a*ss!! And Kyle Busch has whipped him and it is only mid season!

    Kyle Busch is a way better driver than Dale Jr. I just wish

    Jr. Nation would wake up and realize it.

    I think it is so funny what DW said at the end of last season.

    He said, I think Dale Jr. will win 6 races this season. Well,

    it is mid season now and Jr. has only won 1 points race and

    what did Kyle do this past Saturday at Daytona? He won his

    6th race of this year and it is only mid season!

    Go Kyle!

  12. Are you kidding me? Dale Jr cares a heck of a lot about winning. If he didn't care, he would have stayed at DEI. He went to Hendrick to win races and to win a Sprint Cup championship.

  13. Ha! Jr hes in it for the money

  14. If he wasn't in it to win it, I think he would have gotten out by now!

  15. your going to have to wait until the chase to see what it's all about. Could you imagine how much cash junior would generate for NASCAR if he takes the cup? I guess he's in it to win. win a buncha money

  16. Jr cares about winning, unfortunately hes not that good of a driver.  he only won MIS because of fuel strategy.

  17. What Jr. cares about is a Championship and nothing else or he would still be at DEI bickering with Theresa

  18. I think Jr. said it all when he first got into NASCAR.... Something along the lines of "I'm not going to race like my dad, I'm not him so if you're my fan because you think I'm gonna race like that, I'm not." Or something along those lines, and he's proven it to be true. Dale Jr. is one of the most least aggressive drivers in the cup series. I don't think he's in it JUST for the money. I just think he knows he is always gonna have a ride and don't have to prove anything to anybody.

  19. He is in it to win..... I don't think he really cares about the money..............

    Go Dale Jr.!!!!!


  20. He cares about racing and winning!  One could easily see that last year when everything was going sour at DEI for him.  That is why he left and went to Hendrick....he felt like he had a better chance of winning  with that organization.  Sure, he could have gotten more money elsewhere but his move otherwise kinda proves where his heart be a cup champion!

  21. Hey it's not his fault that everyone loves him. He is like his dad he want to win it that's why every time he is close he is on someones back bumper trying to get them loose so he can go right by.

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