
What does Dasani water have salt in it!!!? Wouldn't that cause dehydration? ?

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  1. It doesn't have "salt" in (as in Sodium Chloride) It has a "special blend of minerals" which will be salts but at a very low concentration. All water has some minerals in so they probably add it to make it taste like normal water rather than flat tasting distilled water. If you've ever tasted distilled water (the purest water possible) it tastes awful!

    It's basically tap water with minerals taken out and then added again.

    They stopped selling it in the UK as they managed to add bromate (a poison) to it when they started selling it which didn't really do their PR much good, especially when everyone found out it was just tap water with poisons added.


  2. They put salt in it on purpose to get the customers to keep on buying more of their water... just like how movies or resturants such as (99) give popcorn to the customers knowing that they'll get thirsty sooner or later which makes them wanna buy a drink. Its all a big scam!

  3. Desani is made by the Coca Cola Corp, if that means anything and they add salt for flavor. Aquafina is made by Pepsi.

    Desani and Aquafina are only deionized city water!


  4. There isn't enough salt in Dasani to cause dehydration.  It's in there along with other minerals to make their water taste better.  If you've ever had water that was 99% pure with nothing in it at all, you wouldn't like it.  Truly pure water tastes really weird.

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