
What does Dewpoint mean?

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What does Dewpoint mean?




  1. Dew point is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated.  If the dew point and the temperature are the same, then you have 100% humidity and air is very moist.

  2. The dewpoint temperature is the temperature you would have to drop to so that the air is saturated with moisture (i.e., at 100% Relative Humidty), keeping pressure and water vapor content constant. The dewpoint temperature is always less than air temperature, except at 100% RH at which they become the same. Like RH, dewpoint temperature is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air, but unlike RH, it is an absolute measure of moisture as opposed to relative. A higher dewpoint temperature means more moisture, or more "sticky" humid conditions. In general, dewpoint temperatures over 60 F start to get uncomfortable.

    On a psychrometric chart, if you find your conditions on the chart and then draw a horizontal line left to the saturation line, the point on the temperature axis where it intersects the saturation line is the dewpoint temperature.

  3. the temperature at which the liquid water, or dew, evaporates at the same rate at which it condenses

  4. The dewpoint is the temperature at which dew forms. A dewpoint, especially in warm and hot weather, is a good indicator of the comfort level outdoors. For example, a dewpoint below 60 is normally very comfortable and dry. 60-65 means that there is some humidity in the air, but the air is still relatively comfortable. Above 65, is starts to feel a bit sticky, but still not horrible. Above 70 begins to feel very uncomforable. And above 75 is disgusting.

  5. The temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water. The condensed water is called dew. The dew point is a saturation point.

    :P to all except the questioner

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