
What does E=MC 2 mean?

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please help! all i know is that it's the name of Mariah Careys new album :S

please explain in an easy way




  1. Energy = Mass X The speed of light scquared.

    It's Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. His general theory is much more interesting, since it concernes time travel and other stuff that may get you to like them. you should read about it sometime, I guarantee you that you will like it very much.

  2. better watch this. very informative.

  3. you are to stupid to breath....

  4. its something like

    energy=mass...something squared

  5. E(energy)=M(mass)C(celeritas=speed of light in vacuum)and the superscript 2 indicates the squaring of c.

  6. It's just Mariah Carey playing off of the equation developed by Einstein, considered the world's most well known equation.

    MC (Mariah Carey's initials).  That's probably how she came up with E = MC^2.

  7. Energy equals Mass times the Speed of Light squared.

  8. Haven't you ever heard of Albert Einstein??!!!??

  9. That's sad, that you are the smartest.  

    It's EINSTEIN'S theory of Relativity.

    Energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

  10. If you want the answer to the silly Mariah Carey album title, then the E = Emancipation of Mimi (Mariah Carey's last album) & MC = Mariah Carey (her name) & squared = her best album (or something like that).

  11. Einstein was such a genius that no one else has ever been able to understand his formula.

    I'm sure you could Google it, but roughly speaking, it's Energy = Mass/weight times the speed of light (don't know why this is 'C') squared. Theory of relativity.

  12. This is Einstein's the MASS-ENERGY EQUIVELANCE FORMULA, which is one the building blocks for Einstein's special theory of relativity.

    It's a basic mathematical equation that describes one of the relationships between mass and energy.  If you convert mass to energy (such as in a nuclear reaction) you can calculate the amount of mass it takes to make a certain amount of energy or vice-versa.

    E = energy

    M = mass

    C = the speed of light (29800000000 meters per second)

    2 is raised above the c meaning you are squaring the speed of light.

    Mariah Carey used it on her album because it is probably the worlds most recognized scientific equation.

    (For those answers below mine)

    E=MC2 IS NOT, the special theory of realativity.  It is the mass-energy equivelance formula which comes from the special theory of relativity as one of the results of the theory.  It's important because it has been proven to be true decades after it was first proposed by Einstien, and also over threw the theory of absolute space-time proposed by Newton.
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