
What does Echo mean?

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What does Echo mean?




  1. Its the namebrand of some great lawn equipment...

  2. Echo in spanish is "Eco": repeated sound, the repetition of a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface...

    And also Echo is a brand name of clothes "expensive" that is popular now in P.R!

  3. In english Echo means repetition of a sound / words like others have answerred before.

    The word have been used as a brand name for clothing and also for a car (Toyota).

    In spanish:

    Hecho (h silent) mans Made, like Made in Japan (Hecho en Japón).  Also an "hecho historico" means historical event.

    Echó is the past form of the spanish verb "echar" or "to throw" or "to put".

  4. ech·o [ékō]

    noun (plural ech·oes)

    1.  repeated sound: the repetition of a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface

    2.  something similar: something that repeats, imitates, or is reminiscent of something else

    Her songs found an echo in the hearts of thousands.

    the current style with its echoes of the 1920s

    3.  physics returned signal: the signal reflected by an object struck by a radar transmission, or the image of this on a radar screen

    4.  literature repetition of sounds: the repetition of sounds within a sequence of verse or prose

    1. (arrojar) throw

    cast, pitch, fling, toss

    desperdicios etc. throw away

    person eject, turn out de un sitio

    expel de una sociedad

    dismiss del trabajo

  5. Echo roughly translated is to throw something inside another.

    Ex. Donde echo la camisa. Where do I put the shirt?

    Now echó with the accent is in past tense. El echó la camisa en la caja. He put the shirt in the box.

  6. Echo is a repetative sound thats reflected off a wall or object.

    Do you mean Hecho?? The H is silent.  Hecho means made in spanish.  Hecho a mano is made by hand. Hecho en Mexico is Made in Mexico.

  7. Echo  is  the  repetition of  a sound in an empty space  or  a  very  Popular clothing brand..
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