
What does Energy Independence mean to you?

by Guest61459  |  earlier

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We hear a lot about Energy Independence these days and Clean Energy Solutions,

I would like to know what is your idea of Clean Independent Energy Solutions?

My organization EarthRehab will shed its views on this topic.

I do not want to pay to be on a Grid system for Electricity any more.

I believe that with the proper stimulus package to help homeowners afford Wind and Solar technologies they would use to "get off the grid", most citizens would be interested provided if they could sell the unused energies back to “the Grid”.

This type of energy system is a win-win for all. Reduce the need for Power Plants and the CO2 and Pollution that Power Plants create.

I do not believe that Wind and Solar farms are a proper habitat for Nature or Agriculture Areas much less for un-developed properties.

If you own a 2-Acre lot you should be encouraged to own or lease 1 Wind Power station and a Solar Electricity Station for your residence that would reduce your impact on the Grid.




  1. barak obama say this concerning this matter

    At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to challenge the tyranny of oil. For the very resource that has fueled our way of life over the last hundred years now threatens to destroy it if our generation does not act now and act boldly.  We know what the dangers are here. We know that our oil addiction is jeopardizing our national security - that we fuel our energy needs by sending $800 million a day to countries that include some of the most despotic, volatile regimes in the world. We know that oil money funds everything from the madrassas that plant the seeds of terror in young minds to the Sunni insurgents that attack our troops in Iraq.”

    U.S. Senator Barack Obama   Speech on Energy Policy:  Watch the Video   or   Read the Text

    May 07, 2007   The Detroit Economic Club

    in other link you can read

    A powerful idea is spreading through America. It is a call to this generation to take action and decide the course of history by declaring and fighting for American Energy Independence.

    Following the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the idea of energy independence captured the imagination of the American people. Then during the 1980's, increased automobile fuel efficiency and new oil discoveries created a surplus of oil on the world market, and America’s enthusiasm for energy independence faded into memory. Now, more than thirty years after the oil embargo, re-awakened by the terrorist attack on 9/11 and war in the Middle East, the idea of American energy independence has returned with a vengeance, becoming a powerful force shaping the political views of a new generation of Americans.

    Oil is no longer viewed as just another commodity. In the minds and hearts of the American people, oil has become associated with terrorism, political corruption, corporate greed, and global warming.

    The 1973 Arab oil embargo interrupted the flow of oil causing severe gasoline shortages and long lines at gas stations. The embargo exposed America's growing oil dependence and gave the American people their first warning of the price they would pay for continued dependence on imported oil. The 1979 Iranian revolution interrupted the flow of oil again — this was the second warning, signaling the urgent need for American Energy Independence. The 1991 Persian Gulf War was a military intervention to stop one dictator from taking control of Middle East oil — this was the third and most severe warning. Failure to make energy independence the nation’s highest priority after the Gulf War demonstrated that the United States did not have the political will to free itself from dependence on foreign oil.

    September 11, 2001 was a preview of America's future – one possible future.

    America stands at a crossroad, a choice between two very different futures. One choice leads to increased dependence on foreign oil and a future dominated by terrorism and war. The other choice leads to American energy independence and a world economy that is no longer desperate for oil.

    Today, the world consumes over 80 million barrels of oil every day (over 30 billion barrels per year); the USA alone consumes over 20 million barrels per day (over 7 billion barrels per year). At $100 per barrel, the global petroleum industry is a three trillion dollar a year business. Development of alternative energy to free the world from oil dependence will create a seismic shift within the economic foundation of the world.

  2. You're describing what has been general practice in Germany for some years.

    In real life it means that people with plenty of cash and a house can afford to produce their own electricity and sell some of it back to the power companies at prices which are subsidized by the taxes taken from people who can't afford to do it.

    It's a good idea in as much as it reduces the total energy needs of a country, but it's unfair.

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