
What does GOP stand for?

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What does GOP stand for?




  1. Greedy Oil Puppets

  2. GOD'S OMNIPOTENT p***s.

  3. "Good Ole-Boy Politicians"

    Cronyism at its best.

  4. Grand Old Party - Republican.

  5. Grand Old Party or Greedy Old Pigs.

    So, you should vote McCain-Palin because Obama is an idiot, but Democrats for House and Senate because we don't want McCain to go crazy and give ALL our money to the rich.

    We have to wait for 2012 for Hillary to straighten it all out. Then we'll have another 8 years of Peace & Prosperity and another Greatest Economic Expansion in History.

    Neither McCain nor Obama are familiar with higher economics.

  6. Geriatrics on p***s-enhancers

  7. A very very large give-away program to Big Oil - that's the secret behind the GOP.  They wave the flag and call you a TERRORIST to cover up for it.  But their mission is to pour the National Treasury into the pockets of the Super Rich - that's what the two needless wars are for.  Good Business.

    GoBama!  Let's get some actual and real leadership for a BIG Change!  Maybe send Li'l Bush and Cheney to federal prison.

  8. grand old party

  9. Greedy Old People

  10. Grand Old Party.

  11. Gaga Over Palin.

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