
What does Georges Clemenceau-France have to do with the Treaty of Versailles?

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What does Georges Clemenceau-France have to do with the Treaty of Versailles?




  1. he was the president of france and the leader of the french delegation to the conference.

  2. Hi, Clemenceau's First Minister, 25 October, 1906 - 24 July, 1909

    Clemenceau's First Minister, Second time 16 November, 1917 - 20 January, 1920.

    Never President of French Republic, He led France during WW1 and was one of the major voices behind the Treaty of Versailles.Versailles's Treaty ending World War1. It was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, Germany, on the one hand, and the Allies on the other.  Ã‚«Diectoire» with 4 members : Georges Clémenceau (First Minister) France, David Lloyd Georges(First Minister) United Kingdom, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (Minister-Président) Italia  and  Thomas Woodrow Wilson (Président) United States. He left politic in 1920 on the failure in the presidential elections, He has never been President of French Republic. Great Man !

    The Republic's Presidence has eluded him,

    Georges Clemenceau escaped an assassination attempt in February 1919. Cottin, an anarchist, he pulls over. Clemenceau will be slightly injured in the shoulder. In 1920, when he has views on the Presidency of the Republic, parliamentarians him preferred Paul Deschanel. That disappointment marked the end of his political career.

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