
What does Godspeed mean?

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I hear it every so often and have no idea what the term means. Can anyone please tell me?




  1. FRIEND ,

    As per Dictionary , it is a wishing.the complete details are as below:

    God·speed   Audio Help   /ˈgɒdˈspid/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[god-speed] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun good fortune; success (used as a wish to a person starting on a journey, a new venture, etc.).  


    [Origin: 1250–1300; ME, in the phrase God spede may God prosper (you).


    Hope this helped you.

  2. Say for instance you   or A person is about to ride a motor biker over/ jump over ?? 10 cars... It' I think it's sort of a prayer !?! without really praying !! just a hope that God will show them mercy as they do whatever task,stunt,!?! Or even to ask god to bless them as they are on the way to see about finding work!?! As if to say GOD PaHLeEezZz help meee !! FAST !!/ now  lol  &  in a hurry !?!.   r R r  

  3. The above definition is good, but if you want usage examples:  If someone was going on a journey (or setting out on a task, like writing an article) then a friend would wish them Godspeed to complete their journey quickly and safely.  This had real meaning in the days of perilous travel by horse or at sea.

  4. From Wiktionary:

    From Middle English, from "God speed you." (May God help you prosper.)

    The Term "God Speed" originated in the Old Testament part of the Bible, in the book of Genesis 24:12 in the King James Version, when Abraham's servant prayed for success when he was sent to find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac. The original Hebrew word for "speed" in this verse is pronounced "caw-raw" and it means "to land upon" or "to bring about": "And he said O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham." (Genesis 24:12 KJV).

  5. Success or good fortune

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