
What does Harlequin mean, like in the MCR music video?

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In part of the video for I'm Not Okay it says 'my Harlequin romance' what does it mean? Because I've also heard of the girl, Harley Quinn from the Batman comics...




  1. There are series of romance books called Harlequin Romances

    A Harlequin is sort of like a jester / comic character.

  2. harlequin:

    1.  a conventional buffoon of the commedia dell'arte, traditionally presented in a mask and parti-colored tights

    2.  a clown; a buffoon

    adjective:  having a pattern of brightly colored diamond shapes

  3. Harlequin is a clown of sorts, a comic, sometimes associated with evil. I guess in terms of a romance, it could mean a game, a pretence-based relationsip.  

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