
What does Hillary's defeat after defeat after defeat, and her inability to raise any funds,?

by Guest56063  |  earlier

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and Bill's invisibility say about the Clinton legacy? Lets face it, Obama is a relative unknown. If the good old days were during Clintons tenure, why doesn't anyone want them back?




  1. Hillary is as stale as last week's meat loaf.  Been there and done that, when it comes to the Clintons.  She will not defeat McCain, if she is the Democratic nominee.  In her 35 years of experience, she spent a large portion of it dodging indictment related to White Water and another significant stint defending her "black" husband from removal from office because of his White House abuses.    

    Can we have a breath of fresh air?

  2. The "big-state" strategy, playing the race card, and insisting on counting the "cheaters" (Michigan and Florida), means that she cares more about power than people (unless they come in big numbers).   She is ticking a lot of people off, and is guaranteeing a McCain win if she manages to pull a Giant upset (hahaha)  over Obama.   Bill is out of the picture because he's a liability.  Chelsea was stumping for her in college campuses in Wisconsin.  Bill is nowhere to be seen.

    Hillary is Obama's best fundraiser right now.  

    Puhleeze.  If people want experience, they'll be voting for McCain.

  3. Well, I wouldn't count her out yet!  I won't vote for Obama!  No way in heck would I choose him over Clinton!

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