
What does IV MEAN? ?

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I know its a number and all but what does it mean i would like a list of alot of those and what number they are!




  1. IV is the ancient Roman version of the number four (4).

    Medically it stands for Intro Venous.

    At the risk of sounding presumptuous:

    I = 1

    II = 2

    III = 3

    IV = 4

    V = 5

    VI = 6

    VII = 7

    VIII = 8

    IX = 10

    XI = 11

    the sticks indicate one, two or three. V = 5, X = 10

    But I'm not going to do your homework for you.  Google "Roman Numerals"

  2. It's a Roman Numeral. It's four.

    I = 1

    II = 2

    III = 3

    IV = 4

    V = 5

    VI = 6

    VII  = 7

    VIII = 8

    IX = 9

    X = 10

    L = 50

    C = 100

    D = 500

    M = 1000

    All other numbers are made of a combination of these.

  3. 4 in roman numeral




    read from left to right bigger number to smaller means add

    smaller number in front of the bigger means (-)


    XVI means 10+5+1=16

    XIV means 10+5-1=14

    XXIX means 10+10+10-1=29  like 29th olympiad  

  4. You can see a list of Roman numerals above, but how they appear to make up various large numbers is not so clear.

    First, they basically run from left to right, starting with the largest.

    i.e. M (1000) D (500) C (100) L (50) X (10) V (5) and I (1).

    Using one of each character in turn, MDCLXVI, gives 1000+500+100+50+10+5+1 = 1666.

    12 is XII, 112 is CXII, 150 is CL, 158 is CLVIII, 1113 is MCXIII, 2008 is  MMVIII.

    There's one more 'rule' and this is illustrated by the way you write years between 1900 and 1999.

    1900 is 100 less than 2000. So a C is placed BEFORE the second M to indicate it's subtracted: MCM. For 1958 it's MCMLVIII.

    1998 would appear as MCMXCVIII where

    M = 1000

    CM = 900

    XC = 90

    VIII = 8

    1999 was written as MCMXCIX. It might also have been MIM, but this was rarely if ever seen.

    In the same way, MCMXL is 1940 (1950-10).

    1800 = MDCCC.

    It becomes easier after a while! Just remember if there's a letter 'out' of the sequence M,D,C,L,X,V,I, it means you subtract it from the following one. e.g. MCMXL is 1940 = 1950-10.

  5. Lets see- if I means 1 and II mean 2, III means 3.  V is 5 so IV is one before five.  Just how VI is six- one after five.  Or 5 plus 1.  VII is 7, and so on.  Hope this helps, it's rather confusing to type :)

  6. It means 4.

    Here is a chart with all of them.

  7. 4  

  8. roman numeral 4
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