
What does Iran Air do for 747 engines (and its) parts?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a pic of an IR 747-100 in frankfurt... and was wondering what they were doing about the engines. Are they using the same engines from 30 years ago? Are they just rebuilding them or something?

thanks guys!




  1. It is money and I am sure  Boeing helps them, IF they do not France and Germany probaly do

  2. They can buy new ones if they want to, but it's usually cheaper to rebuild. There are no export restrictions on parts required for civil aviation safety. Iran, North Korea, and other countries have no difficulty buying parts for civil aircraft. They are routinely exempted from embargoes and other restrictions.

  3. Embargos are easy to get around.

  4. Iran actually has a very strong aviation community and have been successful making their own parts. That is one of the reasons they still have their F-14s in the air.

  5. Due to humanitarian considerations, the embargo does not cover many aspects of Iranian imports. Civilian air transport is one such exemption. Parts may be purchased from any source, but remember, for international flight operations the parts need to be properly inspected and certified by internationally accredited inspectors. They cannot let their fleet travel abroad unless it meets these international standards. Old and redundant parts cannot be used and the airworthiness of their aircraft must conform to international standards.

    They could be rebuilding a lot of parts in Iran, but would be doing so to accepted standards. If you recall, Iran had a very modern and substantial air fleet prior to the revolution. Also, one of the first helicopter rebuild factories in that part of the world was located in Iran. Based on this, we can presume that they do have rebuilding and refurbishing capabilities as well. Further, they would be purchasing the major components, including engines, from the international markets through properly authorised/cleared channels to keep the paper trail clean.

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