
What does Ireland have to be so special??

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love that country. I love the time I spent over there!!




  1. The Faery Folk......and green beer!

  2. River dance musique groupe?

  3. Hi,

    I'm from Ireland...and I still luv it at times. But I think most people love a lot of places that are away from home...because they are free of worries and pressures.

    Ireland is "special" just as is France, Spain, Australia, America etc...they are all unique, have different customs, ways of life etc. I think a lot of people like ireland for it's laid back, almost horizontal style of living, the people are friendly and life seems a bit more simple than busy city's with traffic and very little towns or areas were people no each other. Ireland still breeds the family, knowing your neighbour type culture and is a reason people luv it.

    Also obviously unlike some other countries most irish just luv the "craic"(aka gossip for those who dont know) down the pub, it's not even all about the drinking, it's who you get talking to and what you find out that can be so enjoyable.

    In many countries and citys now, everything is so privitised, we are all so individual where as irish people tend to make friends with strangers and have no fears about talking to anyone, most of the time.

    There is good and bad in every country though so i don't wanna stereotype too much, but i agree, it's a special place!

  4. I think the most awesome vacation i ever had was when my wife and I, and 2 other couples flew to Dublin, took a bus to Carrick-on-Shannon. Rented a large boat and went south down the Shannon for 10 days...Incredible..And the city of Athelon will be in my heart forever..Wonderful people..Fantastic scenery..and really good beer also..

    Can't wait to go back this year

  5. It's the Guinness. As long as they have that, the Irish have nothing left to prove.

  6. maybe its the leprechauns

    or the lucky charms

  7. it is us Irish we are great people!!!

  8. Ireland has Ireland, that's what makes it so special.

  9. doesent have to do with this question, but with an older one

    thought u should be warned

  10. Hi Irish,

    I too love the place, the people, the bars & the music.

    Most hospitable.

    I went to Ireland (Eire) a bit by accident a few years ago, as I aimed for Iceland, so it was next in the directory.

    I am a Geordie, and was charmed by the similar sense of humour. Took my granfathers violin, which I play badly, and did the tour of the Emerald Isle.

    See you in Cork perhaps ?


  11. because it is idyllic!! i loved driving up the country roads and seeing all the sheep strolling beside the car! lovely! beaches are lovely too! that and cornwall make my holidays!

  12. ME!!!

  13. Hello Irish,

                     it's our cultured selves in our cultured country, and the way of life accounts for a lot of what makes Ireland so special, I live in Cheshire, the closest I can get to County Galway, but most of my family are in Galway and Clare and Roscommon,  I am retired now and when my wife retires in a few years time, we are moving back home, but we do go home 2 or 3 times a year, and I am Blessed if I can see anything all that different since I left my home there, fortunately we kept our little house there open and ready for us, and Family members have kept the house lovely and clean for us, and we didn't even ask them to, just another thing to add to your why is Ireland so special, Family values!

    Well Irish, Come see us again sometime, we miss you, a lot,

      Failte'.........bye.......Tony M

  14. Craic

  15. It's the lack of people compared to GB

  16. if its so special why are so many irish in london and new york.they want to f**k off back to special land

  17. Its the Irish they lovely people ...............

  18. Ireland is great the Irish are great and it's the place where the craic is always mighty

  19. well there is absolutely nothing like the Dublin sense of humor!

  20. It's got to be the fact that most of the Irish are elsewhere in the world! Thus leaving Irland to the visitors whom find the beauty & tranquility of it all..

  21. Ireland has the scenery you can't find anywhere else,only perhaps in heaven but we won't know that till we get there.It has the friendliest people you could ever wish to meet with melodic accents,white pudding,Guinness,Loughs,narrow winding roads through picturesque  villages of painted houses,folk music,soft rain,balmy winds and 40 shades of green

  22. The list is endless.. The people, The view, The fact that you could be in the middle of nowhere and you can still find a pub, Every where you go you can find a piece of history... It's amazing

  23. The landscape is ruined by a very generous scattering of houses that stick out like sore thumbs all along every road. Houses are mostly made of concrete and covered in plaster and painted. No pretty villages. There are few historical buildings and, out of Dublin no architecture to speak of. People will speak to you when you are providing money - in shops etc, but see them on the street a while later and they pretend they don't know you. Banks treat you as if they are doing you a favour to take your cash and buying things is a rip off. There are no footpaths across fields or around lakes. There are walk  "ways" that are mostly on roads. Traffic is dreadful., cars will run into you rather than drive around you. There are more road accidents here than almost anywhere in the world. There's a lot of drink driving and driving whilst on the phone appears to be obligatory. The drinking water leaves a blue stain in the wash bowl, there is so much chlorine in it. A vet came to remove a horses tooth, with a jar of vaseline to hold his mouth open and only his fingers to pull the tooth out (he did not succeed). Forget the myths, get real, Ireland is a rip-off.

  24. Ireland is so special cause its people is friendly, hosts well everyone. The landscape is green, and the sky has nice colours, though sometimes it rains there a lot I liked there, so since I loved to be there one time I came again there in 1994. Ireland is friendly place to visit. The pubs are nice places to stay. the environment there is good. I like the Guiness beer as well, and there was a beer called Harper I liked too. I love Dublin, Cork, Kinsale, Cape Clear Island, But I visit also another towns as Galway, Connemara province, Donegal Co., And another Island in front of Galway. Wicklow Co, is aldo nice to go. I had wonderful time in Ireland and though the weather there is a bit rainy and windy sometimes, I really recommend Ireland to everyone. It´s after Portugal, my own country the country I love most in the world. Paulo Alexandre, Portugal, a friend country of Ireland too!

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