
What does Joe Biden mean when he says 'I am a Zionist'?

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  1. The word 'Zionist' means one thing in a religious sense and another thing in a political sense.  In a political sense it means only that he supports Israel.

  2. To be a Democrat, you have to find some kind of terrorism to endorse.  It is one of the rules.

  3. He defends that he lost his f******n. Poor guy, pandering to everyone who is still listening.

  4. it means hes a member of the illuminati, just like obama and mccain.  

  5. that he supports israel as an independent country, and that he wanted it to be independent..

  6. I don't feel like watching the video now, but if he did in fact say he's a zionist, it means he puts Israel's interests before Americans.  Go to and have a look around, and see how Zionists manipulate American politics for the interest of Israel.  And read up on AIPAC.

  7. He believes that Israel has the right to exist. That is all.

  8. Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

    So it means he supports the State of Israel

  9. That he believes in God

  10. It's his little way of getting ignorant people to pick up a book and find out what he's talking about.

  11. He means that he thinks Isael has the right to exist as their own country.

  12. It means he is willing to do and say anything, in order to become VP.

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