
What does John McCain "curtailing" the convention over a hurricane in.....?

by Guest62622  |  earlier

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the Gulf of Mexico say to you? To me it says grandstanding over Katrina tragedy and desperation. When was the last time a gulf coast hurricane hit St. Paul?




  1. It says that he doesn't want to be having a party while Americans are facing a natural disaster.

    That's all.

  2. The media won't have it's attention on the convention when the hurricane hits, that is why.  McCain claims he wants to have a telethon for the victims, and I am sure he cares about the people, but funny, I don't recall him having a telethon after Katrina hit.  Yes folks, that is what is called grandstanding.

  3. Don't be stupid. It's not about where it hits. It's about having a party in one part of the country while another part's being torn up.

  4. dam*** if he does and dam***if he doesn't right?  Give the man some credit where credit is due

  5. I think this possibility wouldn't even exist if he weren't a candidate for POTUS.

    He has built  afollowing he didn't have when he was just a Senator & apparently his inclination is to use that base of support to implement his principle of "My country first" with an aid telethon.

    The venue is already committed, what should he do; hold a party while Rome burns? That wouldn't be the right thing for a fellow-citizen to do.

    I hope you can understand that.

  6. It means that he does not want to pull people out as in delegates when they need to be with their families during this dangerous time. It means that he is putting the nations needs before his own Party's convention and before elections greatest moment. It shows that his head and heart are where they need to be. Obama would not have missed a chance to ahve all the eyes on him if thsi had happened a week ago. No matter what had happened or who would ahve been at risk, Obama would ahve been business as usual so he can be the cneter of attention.  

  7. I'd have to say this was a good move on their part. If it had hit last week and Obama/Biden had done the same you would have been here slobbering all over them and telling everyone how wonderfully compassionate they were.

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