
What does Kakashi's name mean (in Naruto) ?

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A friend told me that Kakashi's name means something in Japanese, but I can't remember what it is. Does anyone know?




  1. It means 'plough my furrow' and is a Japanese term of affection.

    In the days of Yong it was usually used as a greeting between a farmer and the daughter of a neighbouring farmer.

    In todays society it is merely a form of greeting between familiar friends that do not have s*x together, ie neighbours.

    Sango yeh bahito!

    'Let the scarecrow plough my furrow' Thai!

  2. kakashi is usually know as scarecrow but sometimes it means figurehead .

  3. I believe it's "Scarecrow"

    *Crosses Fingers*

    Please be first >.<


    Argh! Beaten! Lol

    By 33 seconds.


  5. Its scarecrow in english his haircut kinda puts me in the mind of a scarecrow for some reason.

  6. はたけ means ‘ploughed field’ and カカシ means ‘scarecrow’, so his name means something like ‘scarecrow in a field’. I think it has something to do with his haircut.

    Have a look at this link to see some of the names Kishimoto-san toyed with before settling on Kakashi:

  7. My friend told me it meant "Cotten Candy", but I told her to shut the h**l up.

    I think it means ScareCrow, but my Japanese sucks. ^^

  8. When deciding upon Kakashi's name, Kishimoto considered a number of possibilities: Kuwa (クワ, "hoe"), Kama (カマ, "scythe"), Botan (ボタン, "peony"), Enoki (エノキ, a nettle tree), and Kakashi (カカシ, "scarecrow"). He eventually decided upon Kakashi, and remains glad that he did to this day. In keeping with the meaning of his name, scarecrows are occasionally used to represent Kakashi; Naruto, for example, uses a scarecrow that is dressed like Kakashi to help him train for a combat test between the two. Likewise, scarecrows are at times added to the background of scenes in which Kakashi appears, as is the case with the cover of the Naruto manga volume three. During episode 101 of the anime, Kakashi uses a scarecrow of himself to elude Team 7. When the face of the scarecrow is shown, you see a comical interpretation of Kakashi's face also used in Naruto's imitation of him.

    Ehehe xD

  9. my brother is crazy about this show so he did loads of research on it (wat a nerd) and during his long boring rantings about it i believe he mentioned it was "scarecrow"

  10. Means one eyed monster.

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