
What does Kiku mean in Japanese?

by Guest33319  |  earlier

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What does Kiku mean in Japanese?

Also how do you write it in Japanese?

It's my friends middle name and she wanted to know.





  1. kiku is dictionary form fro kikimasu which means to listen

    it also is dictionary form for 'to work', not sure what polite form is though sorry.

    oh and it also means chrysanthemum as in the flower.

    hope this helps:)

    if it is a middle name it is likely it was meant to mean chrysanthemum, which is kind of a yellow lilly. If she isn't japanese it is written like this:

    キク, if she is japanese it is written wither like this きく or 菊

  2. Well, Kiku means "to listen" in the casual sense. It would be written as きく. In Kanji, though, its written like: 聞く.

    If its a non-Japanese name you're trying to write though, you should sue the Japanese foreign alphabet called Katakana and write it as キク

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